
Unlock Your Abundance

"Why Even Talented, Smart, And Determined People Stay Stuck, Frustrated, And Lack The Success They Seek…

While Other Less Talented people Are Swept On To Massive Success, Wealth, Riches, and A Life Most People Can Only Dream Of…"

  • course format4 Modules

  • COURSE LENGTH 1.8 Hours

  • topicWealth and Business

"Dan Lok is an exceptional leader, teacher, mentor and friend. When you read his words or listen to him speak, you know you are in the presence of greatness. Dan lives and teaches a simple approach to building success and business and enjoying life every day."

– Joe Vitale

Law of Attraction Expert, Star of "The Secret" Movie, Bestselling Author of "The Attractor Factor, "The Key" and "Zero Limits"

If you ever feel stuck and lacking focus…Frustrated by your lack of success… That abundance and wealth constantly elude you…

And if you ever procrastinate and avoid doing the important things you know you should do to get ahead in your life, your business, or your career…

Then this message is for you.

In the next few minutes, you’ll find out why these things happen, what causes them to happen, what you need to do to overcome them…

And the 6-step process that identifies where you’re stuck or lacking, and the step(s) you can take to finally get from where you are now to where you want to be.

This is the difference between those who always look like whatever they touch turns to gold and those who constantly suffer setback after setback.

And it all comes down to one critical thing. One problem. And when you have this problem, you can never produce the true results – or activate the true power – that lies deep within you.

You KNOW you can achieve more, right?

You just don’t know how – and you can’t quite put your finger on what’s holding you back.

Well, I’ll tell you what it is right here, right now. The problem is your true self-image.

Your self-image is literally the program by which you run your life.

And as every successful person and world-class performer knows…

If you ever feel stuck and lacking focus…Frustrated by your lack of success… That abundance and wealth constantly elude you…

And if you ever procrastinate and avoid doing the important things you know you should do to get ahead in your life, your business, or your career…

Then this message is for you.

In the next few minutes, you’ll find out why these things happen, what causes them to happen, what you need to do to overcome them…

And the 6-step process that identifies where you’re stuck or lacking, and the step(s) you can take to finally get from where you are now to where you want to be.

This is the difference between those who always look like whatever they touch turns to gold and those who constantly suffer setback after setback.

And it all comes down to one critical thing. One problem. And when you have this problem, you can never produce the true results – or activate the true power – that lies deep within you.

You KNOW you can achieve more, right?

You just don’t know how – and you can’t quite put your finger on what’s holding you back.

Well, I’ll tell you what it is right here, right now. The problem is your true self-image.

Your self-image is literally the program by which you run your life.

And as every successful person and world-class performer knows…

You Can’t Outperform. Your Self Image.

Do you TRULY understand just how profound those six simple words are?

You. Can’t. Outperform. Your. Self. Image.

Everything you do – and everything you don’t do – comes from the image you hold about yourself in your mind. It’s that “little voice in your head” that kills your ideas and devalues your goals.

You desperately want to be wealthy, successful, and perform at your peak. But through years of subtle conditioning, your true self-image seeks to maintain order.

We become what we habitually think about ourselves.

But just as we have been subtly conditioned to accept less than what we are truly capable of, the ability to change this lifelong conditioning is within our grasp.


That’s what my new program, Unlock Your Abundance, is designed to do. It’s designed to help close off the negative “open loops” in your self-image that keep you from succeeding.

If your true self-image says “I’ll never be wealthy,” that’s an open loop. Or if it’s told you that “you aren’t good at sales,” that’s an open loop. And so on.

In Unlock Your Abundance, I give you one simple exercise you can do in a single day to identify what these open loops are… and the practical steps to take to remove those blocks from your life.

That’s what my new program, Unlock Your Abundance, is designed to do. It’s designed to help close off the negative “open loops” in your self-image that keep you from succeeding.

If your true self-image says “I’ll never be wealthy,” that’s an open loop. Or if it’s told you that “you aren’t good at sales,” that’s an open loop. And so on.

In Unlock Your Abundance, I give you one simple exercise you can do in a single day to identify what these open loops are… and the practical steps to take to remove those blocks from your life.

You’ll also discover things like…


Where fear of success and fear of failure comes from and how a simple change in your mindset can crush fear permanently. Once you employ this strategy, you’ll become fearless in the pursuit of your goals.


The 16 most common areas where “open loops” exist in your life. If even one of these are working against you, you’ll always get below average results in anything you do.


An amazing strategy for desensitizing yourself against fears and emotions

that keep you stuck. This completely disarms ANY emotion or negative thinking that holds you back.


Why “perfectionism” may be the biggest dream killer of all

and the simple strategy to get more done in less time.


The ONE THING all successful people possess

that unsuccessful people don’t have. And how you can begin activating this mysterious power today.

The destructive power of your “lower self-image” and why it causes

procrastination, frustration, and overwhelm. And the simple strategy to raise your lower self-image and eliminate the problems it causes.

How to quiet that “little voice in your head” is that tells you that you can’t do something.

It’s a revelation to anyone who hasn’t discovered it before. And it’s the catalyst to help you achieve your goals with gusto.

The 6-step strategy for boosting your self-image and overcoming ALL the negative traits that hold you back.

his ties the whole program together and gives you a solid, practical plan for hurtling towards your goals as fast as humanly possible.

Unlock Your Abundance is chock full of powerful ways to bring an end to procrastination, keep you focused on your goals, fortify your mindset, boost your confidence, and rebuild your self-image into a powerful force that lights a fire under your results.

Click the "Add To Cart" button to order Unlock Your Abundance now.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 105 reviews
Such a great course - I wish I took this FIRST before any other Dan Lok program

I cannot recommend this course enough. In this course, Dan explains that our messes in our life hold us back more than we ever realize. “Make Your Bed” as a book is an amazing compliment to this course and homework assignment. Attention to detail. How we do one thing is how we do everything.

Ryan Paige
Very much needed.

Love the way it addresses messes and look at things I had no idea that were holding me back from success and abundance. Awesome strategy for how to conquer it. Great details on the why and how.

Reviewer avatar
Sarah Leigh Gonsal
Cleaning Up Messes!

Firstly, Thank you for this Program.
The benefits of cleaning up areas in Life, creates room for something new.
It may even be a new identity, a new organized area, your phone.
With this program I am able to have more clarity and unlocking with true meaning of Abundance.
Small success leads to BIGGER Success!

It changed my priorities

It is very useful. I've struggled with my financial recently. And the course made me see how many messes I have that are blocking my abundance. I really have to start to clean up the messes (physically and mentally) now. And also having a mentored life is a great idea, too. Thanks a lot

HUGE eye opener for MENTAL BLOCKS


The information delivered is so simple yet profound, but the flow is structured so effectively.

Sometimes you just need someone else to tell you something just the way it is.
I have been struggling for so long to continue on my online business, but I just have more and more things (messes) coming up to complete and I end up doing nothing because I am trying to do everything at once.

Dan Lok clearly makes you aware of what is holding your mental state back and actionable steps to take to get there.
This just lines me up for the "GET SHIT DONE" course . So looking forward to that now.

Great stuff, right to the point

Great stuff as always, thanks Dan, the best thing is that he doesn't even talk about the money, but it's related to it, but it's about everything not just money. This is the third best purchase after HIC and Get Shit Done

Kevin Wu
How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything

I learned a very profound lesson from this program. To live an abundant life, we first have to think abundantly. It starts by cleaning up the little messes that we have in our day-to-day lives because 'How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything'. Highly Recommend to aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners!

vincent nguyen
Unlock Your Abundance.

This actually can cure your messes in your life and start creating and attracting abundance into your life.

Unlocking my Abundance!!!

The biggest take aways for me are to list the messes in my life and handle one at a time, start with simple one.