The Ultimate Shortcut For Converting Prospects Into Clients In 6 Steps

The Ultimate Shortcut For Converting Prospects Into Clients In 6 Steps

Are you having trouble converting prospects into clients? You can find people who are mildly interested in what you do, but when it comes to the sale, they never buy? If that's the case, there are a few things you can tweak.

Or maybe you do get to converting prospects into clients, but it takes a really long time? You do your marketing, but it takes people months or years until their first purchase? Now, for some products, such a long buyer's journey is to be expected. Especially if what you are selling is a high-ticket item. But there are some ways to shorten the process.

Either way, getting somebody to buy doesn't happen by accident. There's a lot you have to consider in order to get clients. It's especially important that you understand your clients. Why do they buy? Do they buy because they want to get out of something? Or do they buy to move toward a goal they have? Understanding them is the foundation of any sale. 

You also want to have a good marketing and sales strategy in place. Your strategy considers how prospects find you, how you present yourself and your product to them, how you move them on in their buyer's journey, and many more things. 

There is simply a lot to consider. But it doesn't have to be complicated. Today we want to show you the ultimate shortcut for converting prospects into clients. Really, all it takes are 6 steps. 


1. Generate High-Quality Leads

The question if a prospect will convert is often answered before they even become a prospect. What do we mean by that?

First, you have to understand what a prospect really is. A prospect is aqualified contact, which means you had contact with them in some form. 

Before they become a prospect, they are a lead. And a lead can have different qualities. If you have low-quality leads, they will become low-quality prospects and probably never become customers. So your success is determined by your leads.

There are hundreds of ways to generate leads. The method you use, however, will determine the quality of the prospect. There is a big difference if a lead comes from your established social media channel or if you look up an online address book and randomly call people. 

This is often known as the difference between cold and warm leads. A warm lead knows you a bit, a cold lead doesn't even know you exist. So, turning a warm lead into a prospect and then into a client is usually easier. It's very hard to sell to cold leads. It requires a lot of skill.

How To Improve Lead Quality?

So, you want to start with generating some warm leads. How can you do that? A great way many businesses use iscontent marketing. Articles, social media, YouTube videos... there are tons of ways to publish your content online. It's basically free marketing.

There is a catch, however. The content you produce has to be valuable for your audience. Think about it, why isn't every Instagrammer who posts cat pictures each day famous and rich? Because their content doesn't solve many problems. It might be fun for cat lovers, yes - but for most of the population, the benefit is missing.

It comes back to whom you want to help and serve. What problems are they facing? What keeps them awake at night? Find out what they need and tailor your content to them. Never ever forget that your leads and prospects aren't numbers on a screen, but real human beings with emotions.

The right content marketing strategy will attract leads who are interested in what you do and repel those you don't want. Don't be afraid to take a position. In fact, for a successful business, you have to stand for something, so that any potential customers who share similar values are naturally attracted. Do all of this from the start, and the quality of your leads will improve. 

Get Their Contacts

Ok, so now you have high-quality leads. But how do they become prospects? Well, we said that a prospect is a contact. That means to go from lead to prospect you need to have contact with them. This can happen in many different ways.

A common way to do this is to have them sign up for a freebie. We are sure you have seen those people offering free pdfs, checklists, or even books in exchange for your email address. Getting your prospect's emails is great because you can use that for further marketing later. 

In some cases, you can collect your prospect's telephone numbers. Maybe they express an interest in your product or coaching, but before they buy, they get on the phone with you. You consult them on the phone to see if what you offer is really the right thing for them. 

Get Them On The Phone

Phone calls are usually more effective if you don't regard it as a sales call. Instead, treat it like you were a doctor trying to find the right treatment for your patient. Why? Because customers today are so used to getting sold all the time. Everybody wants to sell them something. 

So if you don't push them to buy and instead genuinely care if this is the right thing for them, you will cut through the noise. They will naturally trust you more because they will see you are different. 

For some prospects, all you need is one phone call to turn them into clients. But there is also the strategy of having two calls (or even more). This is sometimes known as seeding. In a first call, you seed the idea of what you can do in the prospect's mind. If they see the value, they'll be more ready to buy on the next call.

Which path you choose depends on what you are selling. As a rule of thumb, B2B sales need more than one call, as it's a bigger investment, and the person you to whom you speak will probably have to discuss it with a team before making a decision.

2. Have A Marketing Strategy

Converting prospects into customers doesn't happen by accident. It's best to have a strategy in place. Content marketing is part of it, but not all of it.

The beauty of a good marketing strategy is that it's repeatable. If it worked for one prospect, it will also likely work for the next. 

Your strategy could be automated, like asales funnelfor example. You send your prospects to a sales page, and from there, they go through your funnel. 

Or, if your prospects are local or in the B2B sector, you may want them to book a call with you. It very much depends on your niche. The bottom line is you must have a way for prospects to both find you and get in contact with you.

And there's one more thing. Your strategy should also consider how to continue arousing in your prospect an increasing interest in your product. Maybe, when they first find out about you, they only have a passing interest in your product. They're just thinking, "Oh, that's cool."

It's your job to gradually show them why they need your product; how it can solve their problems, and how it's worth the price. Basically, make the value clear to them. You can do this with your content marketing and paid advertising at the same time. 

Here's one thing we don't want you to miss:When you decide upon a strategy, make sure it's repeatable. Why? Because the only way to ensure you will have a constant stream of incoming clients is if you create a repeatable structure.

Think about it this way: if your strategy allows you to convert 10 prospects into customers, you'll get some income. Good. But what if it only works once? How will you get more customers? How do you make sure you have income the next month?

3. Know Their Desires

How exactly can you show your prospects the value of your product or service? You can do that by the way you communicate with them. Don't focus too much on the features and benefits of your product. Instead, focus on what it does for them. 

Marketing and sales are most effective if you know your prospect, know their pain, and tailor your solution to them. So, it comes down to knowing your target audience and their needs. 

If you understand what your prospect needs, it will also be much easier to show them how your product is exactly right for them. This will probably require you to do some research on your prospects. Put yourself in their shoes. What does life look like from their perspective? Where do they hang out? What do they enjoy? And what keeps them awake at night?

Prospects buy because they feel understood. The more you can enter the conversation in their head, the better it is. How can you show them that you know what's going on for them? 

You could…

4. Nurture Them

Maybe you offer high-ticket items. Or maybe you are in the B2B niche. In this environment, it's best to schedule a phone call with them. If the product or service is expensive, selling without a phone call is hard. 

For some lower ticket products, it's enough to just have a sales page or online store and let them buy from there. Converting prospects into clients for a high-ticket offer requires an extra step of human to human contact.

But the phone call isn't the only way to engage. You can also use your social media. Between all the content, you sometimes include sales messages. Tell them about current offers, special deals and so on. This is also a great space to tell your prospects why you are doing what you are doing. People are much more likely to buy if they know your story.

Promising engagement can also happen via email campaigns. If your prospects opted-in from their email, keep sending them engaging and valuable emails. In those emails, you can pitch your products. Make sure it's not too sales-y, though.

Essentially, what's happening at this stage is called "nurturing." You keep feeding your message to your prospects until they are ready to buy. For some, it can take three days, for some three years. It depends on the person and how high their needs are for your solution. 

The benefit of nurturing is that you gradually get them interested in what you have to offer. You aren't a pushy salesperson who tries to force something onto them. You don't push, but rather, you pull them in. 

And they get pulled in because you educate them, you engage with them, and you understand what they need. 

Gently Guide Them To The Purchase

Confused minds don't buy. That's why it's so important that your prospects understand you, understand what you do, and - most importantly - feel understood.

Now some business owners or marketers forget one important thing. Converting a prospect to a customer is also about guiding them. That means, always letting them know what the next step is. If you were on a phone call or meeting, tell them what to expect next. Will there be a second meeting? Will you send them something? Should they contact you? Guide them by letting them know.

If you didn't meet the prospect, but make the sale online instead, you still always want to tell them what's next. When they opt-in their email, tell them when and how often they can expect emails from you. When you have a YouTube channel, let them know how many videos to expect, and so on... you get the idea…

5. Have The Courage To Sell

This point is often overlooked by marketers and salespeople. To make a sale, you have to ask for it. Maybe your prospect is long ready to buy, but you simply never gave them a chance.

So many people have resistance when it comes to selling. They are afraid that the sale would ruin a relationship. But really, selling done right is something noble. After all, you are giving them the solution they need. Not asking for the sale is doing them a disservice especially if you know that what you offer will help them make their life easier. 

How can you ask for the sale? You either do so on a phone call - especially if the product is more expensive or a bigger commitment like a coaching program. If it's a smaller commitment, then directing them to a well-crafted sales page with a clear call to action might be enough.

On a phone call, you want to ask for the sale in a hidden way. Don't ask if they want to buy; have them say that they want it. Don't hard sell or pressure them; customers are too educated for that. In fact, today's customers are more educated than ever before. With a quick Google search, they can find out almost anything about your product.

6. Turn Them Into Repeat Buyers

You made it! You managed to convert prospects into clients. Now you are done, right? Wrong. This is one of the biggest mistakes salespeople and marketers make. 

They spend all this time and effort to convert a prospect. After the first sale, they think they are done. But actually, it's so much easier to get a person who bought from you once to buy from you again. A buyer is a buyer is a buyer. 

When you think you are done after they bought once, you are leaving a lot of potential money on the table. Keep marketing to them. Keep engaging with them. And keep nourishing them - because they will very likely be buying from you again.

That way, you'll need to generate fewer new leads to bring in the same revenue. Acquiring a new customer is so much more expensive and much harder work than re-engaging existing customers. 

Keep following up with them. Ask them how they like your product and service. When you offer something new, offer it to them first to create some exclusivity. 

Secure Your Business In 6 Easy Steps

In times of recession, like right now, you must be converting prospects into clients. Your business's future depends on it. 

For years, Dan Lok has taught business owners how to attract better clients, how to scale their business, and how to create consistent income streams. It's a step-by-step framework that is proven to work - so you can eliminate "guessing" from your business. Guessing how to get clients doesn't move you forward. Especially in tough times, you want a proven structure to secure your business.

Wouldn't you agree that you are allowed to stop struggling? If there is a proven way to secure your business, no matter how difficult the times are right now, shouldn't you use it? What we've presented in this article is only a fraction of what Dan teaches. You can get the full scope in the 6 Steps To 6 Figures Formula Program. Discover more about it right here.