$3,259.00 $16,765.00 You Save 80% ($13,506.00)
course format16 Modules
Social Media Marketing
Ideal Biz SizeStart-Up → $1M
"Dan is such an idol and an icon. I hope every one of you will follow him!"
– Dave Woodward
CEO of Clickfunnels
Are you, your Team, and your JV Partners ready to give your whole business a marketing makeover – to take on and start crushing your competitors almost overnight – and build a solid business foundation that grows (and scales) almost on-command?
Frankly, the purpose of this digital training is to get everything you can out of your Copywriter, or your Copywriter Team (if you have one), so make sure you give them access to this course, ok?
This hallmark of all business growth trainings is called Marketing Secrets and it’s powerful and practical and makes your profits ascend, which boosts the productivity of your Copywriters.
And more!
Wouldn’t you agree that superior marketing by you and your Marketing Team is what helps your business grow at breakneck speeds, without requiring you to spend a dime more on advertising costs?
The key for maximum results is to know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. That’s why once you and your Team feast your attention and apply what’s revealed Marketing Secrets...
... you AND your Marketing Team will be more equipped to execute strategies for massive and rapid growth.
Ready to get started?
How to use million-dollar branding secrets to double (even triple) the effectiveness of your marketing.
These often-ignored secrets can be the difference between ho-hum success and massive success.
The powerful 1-2 punch that led me to rapid and massive business success.
If I had to pick ONE strategy to grow any business, this would be it.
How Jordan Belfort turns “free strategy sessions” into a ton of new buyers
– even if they say they’re “not interested.” This one secret could add thousands of extra dollars to your business every month.
The 5-word secret for tapping into your prospects deep emotional wants and desires.
This takes just minutes to do but can result in a huge boost in results.
How to write Facebook ads that command attention and get results.
My in-house Facebook ad writers show you how.
How to use million-dollar branding secrets to double (even triple) the effectiveness of your marketing.
These often-ignored secrets can be the difference between ho-hum success and massive success.
The “ECP” selling process that turns cold traffic prospects into raving fans and lifetime buyers.
I’ve never seen this process mentioned anywhere. It’s another key to turning cold prospects into delighted buyers.
Live “Funnel Hack” competitor spying.
How to track and trace the customer-generating methods of even the biggest companies and beat them at their own game.
Secret methods for “sneaking in the back door” and eavesdropping on the most successful coaches and freelancers.
And how to use what you discover to attract swarms of new leads, prospects, clients, and sales.
Emotional selling secrets in action.
Get this part right and selling to anyone becomes almost easy.
The 3-step “acid test” for quickly figuring out the biggest pain points in the hearts and minds of your prospects.
And powerful examples of how to solve those problems and boost the power of all your marketing materials.
As you can see, Marketing Secrets is packed full of proven secrets for dramatically boosting the power of your marketing. For finally getting the dream clients who pay the big money in your industry…
For systematizing your entire marketing strategy for greater results – no matter what market you’re in and regardless of the competition. For quickly establishing a powerful competitive edge…even against much bigger competitors…even on a small budget.
For dialling into the hearts, minds, and the core desires of your market to take all your advertising efforts and kick them up into a much higher gear.
For attracting a flood of new traffic for your offers. For filling your pipeline with new clients eager to work with you. And for 5X or even 10X’ing your sales, profits, and income.
$3,259.00 $16,765.00 You Save 80% ($13,506.00)
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