$3,291.00 $16,930.00 You Save 80% ($13,639.00)
course format4 Programs
topicSales & Closing
Ideal Biz Size$100K → $1M
"Handle Objections like a Master - I really got a lot of value out of this digital program. I now know how to handle objections and resistance in a smooth way, not arguing with the prospect. Definitely recommended!"
– Maurice Mertjoe
When you and your Sales Team face objections in the new client acquisition process, they are not really handling objections ...
... at least, not all the time. Often, even pre-qualified prospects indicate “I need more info before I buy," which is NOT an objection.
In Dan Lok’s landmark training called Objection Handling Secrets, your Sales Team will finally learn what objections truly indicate – the beginning of the sales process and that their prospects are interested and just require more re-assurance.
Once your Sales Team treats objections as the gate that swings-open to the passageway to more sales and profits, they will treat objections in a different way ... and even handle them before they’re expressed!
What if your Sales Team had the perfect response to EVERY objection they face, or anticipate them before they face them?
Objection Handling Secrets can help even your lower-skilled Sales Team member blow-away and handle any objection that comes their way – EVERY TIME.
That may sound like pipe-dream, but Dan did, others he trains are doing it ... and now your Sales Team can do it too.
With Objection Handling Secrets, your Sales Team will actually love hearing rejections because they’ll be re-programmed to view them as "Buying Signals."
Here’s what your Sales Team will learn in this step-by-step program:
Get ready ... Get set ... To grow, Grow, GROW! (Okay, okay ... that’s a bit hokey, but it’s true!)
Isn’t time your Sales Team batted-away the biggest objections that rear their ugly heads week-after-week?
This training gives your Sales Team the confidence to melt-away resistance like a hot knife cutting a stick of butter.
And that’s why it’s your turn to decide if Objection Handling Secrets is what you need to grow even faster, better and with less “sales-turnover" ...
Are you ready, yet?
In this new training video, Sifu Dan Lok teaches you his unconventional and proven objection handling secrets to take full control of any conversation. You will be able to alleviates those concerns and move your deal forward.
With objective handling training, you’ll get to see Sifu Dan do live roleplays and demonstrations of how it sounds to effortlessly handle objections and get to the sale.
Objection Handling Secrets Recording Digital Video Recording
Why You’re Getting Objections
Salespeople have it all wrong when handling objections, watch the video to understand why that is the case. And what you can start doing instead.
Don’t Argue With The Prospect And List Out Common Objections
Do not argue with the prospect. Yes, you can win the argument. But, you will lose the sale. Getting into an argument is the last thing you want. During closing calls, you wanna be prepared with the objections that will be thrown out you.
Better list these objections and study how to handle them. Plus, lesson demonstrations via role play.
The Qualify Quadrant
The first thing you want to qualify your prospect on is their needs - Why are they looking into your products or services? How do you find that? Very simple.
Follow this Qualify Quadrant, and you may qualify the prospect with ease.
3 Dangerous Phrases To Avoid In Sales PDF Guide
And Much More!
$3,291.00 $16,930.00 You Save 80% ($13,639.00)
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