$3,243.00 $16,683.00 You Save 80% ($13,440.00)
course format3 Modules
topicSales & closing
Ideal Biz Size$100K → $1M
I love that Dan is no BS and has inspired and influenced thousands of people over the course of his career.
Founder & Host of Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast
Have you ever thought about how the world's top salespeople all may have the same unique traits that make them better than their competitors?
It's true. In fact, Dan Lok has identified 7 things he calls "Habit" ... just like Dr. Stephen Covey had "7 Habits for Highly Effective People." And by adopting these 7 HABITS and traits, you and your Team can sell more and do it with almost exquisite efficiency.
It's absolutely true...you and your Team will discover all 7 of Dan's secrets in The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Salespeople and when done consistently, you'll be astonished at how your sales and profits soar!
These seven things are the keys to sales success for your Team and your business. They give your Team a tough, never-quite mindset. They inspire unshakable confidence. They'll help them sell better than anyone they compete against.
They help them close almost every deal they go for ... even "high-ticket" deals.
Here's how to transform your company's collective ability to help you grow your business massively. And here's a slice of what you'll learn if you decide to make this small investment in your business:
Let us help you turn your sales Team into the top-performers they deserve to become. It's just a matter of more skills, some simple tools and learning The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Salespeople.
Ready to do this?
Picture the following scenario about two salespeople…
They both work at the same company. They sell the same product. Both of them are very alike. They both dress sharply, with an appearance that exudes professionalism and success. And they both had ambitions of rising to the very top of their game in sales.
They were driven, motivated go-getters. And they almost always outworked everyone else on the sales team.
But there was just one difference between these two salespeople.
One of them always came out on top when the sales were counted. Often by a long way. Even though they both worked the same hours, sold the same product, and had similar sales pitches.
Yet, one of them was kicking butt when it came to sales. And the other was only above average.
Have you ever seen this scenario in a sales environment? Where all the other salespeople grind and put the long hours and the work in. But invariably, there’s always that one standout salesperson that outstrips everyone else in terms of deals done or products sold?
Are those top producers just natural born salespeople? Do they have some kind of magical sales script that others don’t have that turns more prospects into buyers than anyone else does?
Well, as it turned out, they are NOT natural born sellers. There’s no such thing as a natural born seller.
No. What separates top salespeople from average salespeople is a number of critical habits they use every day to help keep their confidence high, the sales flowing, and their income levels high.
And guess what? Anyone can use these secrets and habits. And when they do, they get the same results the top salespeople get.
They begin to sell more, sell easier, sell faster, and sell with consistently – and do it repeatedly, almost on auto pilot.
For anyone in sales, it can mean greater prestige in your industry and the company you work for. It means the respect of your peers. It means total confidence in your skills. And the kind of personal income that can deliver the kind of lifestyle that top producers enjoy.
How can I be so sure?
Because I have used these skills and habits in MY sales career. And I’ve seen them work like magic for anyone who applies them to their life and career.
These are the secrets that took me from an average, run-of-the-mill sales guy and turned me into a master salesperson.
And since that time, I’ve taught these exact skills to more than 10,000 other salespeople…in more than 151 countries…in hundreds of different industries…
With a combined sales volume exceeding $34 BILLION for the people who used them.
And they can work just as effectively, with certainty and predictability – IF you apply them just like I did and the more than 10,000 other salespeople who have discovered these secrets, strategies, techniques, and habits.
Would you want to know about those tactics and strategies to help take your own sales, career, and income to a much higher level than it is right now?
Well, you can do all this and MORE when you get my brand-new program The 7 Habits of Highly-Effective Salespeople.
As you will see in this new program, the top performing salespeople are ultimately creatures of habit. They do the right things, the right way, and they do them with almost military-like precision.
And I reveal the seven key habits that all the best salespeople rely on and focus on to keep their sales, their skills, and their career on a constant upward trajectory in The 7 Habits of Highly-Effective Salespeople.
The single biggest reason why most salespeople stay stuck, frustrated, and barely make ends meet. It all comes down to one single habit you probably don’t even realize you have. Here’s what it is and what you can do to change your career (and your fortunes) almost overnight.
3 deadly sins almost all salespeople make that robs them of their income, reduces their ability to get more prospects, and more. Eradicate these three things for a higher income, more prospects, and to climb the ladder to success in any company.
The 3 R’s of world-class salespeople and how they get that way. Put this proven system to work in your life and watch your sales career take off. Very few people know this but it’s one of the true keys to becoming a superstar salesperson.
How the ancient wisdom from philosopher Lao Tzu can give you an unexpected boost in your sales career. This simple yet devastatingly powerful wisdom can instantly boost your ability to sell more, more often, to even the toughest prospects.
The #1 rule almost ALL salespeople violate that makes prospects distrust them and avoid buying – even if the product is something they want! Has nothing to do with sales tactics or anything else you can think of. Fix this one problem and you’ll never struggle to sell even high-ticket products and services with almost ease.
What top closers do that mediocre closers DON’T do. Simple 9 word secret that can double or even triple your closing rate overnight. It’s a simple distinction all the top closers make…and you can, too.
How to put the power of conviction into your sales process to sell, convince, and persuade. Three ways to ramp up the power and force of your sales pitches before your next sales appointment.
Why chasing money as a salesperson is the WORST thing you can do. And how focusing on this one other factor can actually make you more money than you could ever hope for.
Salesperson mastery scale. How to tell where you are in your sales career…and how to use this little-known scale to take your skills, knowledge, and your career and income to the next level.
How legendary boxer Jack Dempsey’s secret to beating the most feared opponents can help you become a sales superstar. Follow this one piece of advice and you’ll excel in even the toughest sales environments.
Sell more better, faster, and easier by tapping into your prospects 4 biggest fears. Here’s what these 4 fears are…and how to weave them into every sales opportunity for incredible results.
The one simple question you should ask yourself every day to keep your sales flying high. Yet most salespeople never even consider it…and it’s costing them BIG. It motivates you the moment you wake up, fuels your drive even if things get tough, and creates clarity that drives you forward to achieve your goals.
One hour a day to sales mastery? Yes! This is a trick all the best closers in the world use. And it’s something struggling salespeople NEVER do.
Founder of 1-800 flowers Jim McCann’s three-word secret that took his company to the dominant place in the market. And it works equally as well – or better – for any salesperson who wants to sell more, more often.
7 magically effective ways to sell more products and services TODAY. Yes, today. And it has nothing to do with selling, finding more prospects, or other "grunt" work. In fact, it’s so surprising to people, they’ll actually ASK to buy more from you!
Type of food that helps you sell more, gives you greater mental energy, and helps you boost the power and effectiveness of your sales presentations! Yes, FOOD. Here’s what it is…and why it works so well. Amazing, but true.
The 5 daily essentials that turned me into a sales superstar. One was to drink more tea! Yes, tea. Here’s why…plus the other four secrets I used that changed my sales career.
The type of drink famous singers use to power up their voice and vocal cords. And how it can help you deliver more piercing, more powerful, and more memorable sales presentations.
The breathing technique that boosts the power of your voice. Powerful tool for capturing and holding people’s undivided attention. Result: more sales.
Sell more by speaking less? Yes. Here’s when this works best. Plus another proven technique that helps your selling voice that actually requires you to avoid speaking altogether!
Sell more by speaking with your face! This is an almost unheard-of technique that works like magic to boost any sales presentation. Hint: it’s got nothing to do with using facial expressions as a selling tool.
What every world-class salesperson DEMANDS in their career that other salespeople never ask for or even consider. Forget ninja sales techniques and strategies, this one thing trumps them all. And it’s the single fastest way to take everything you know about selling and turn it into a ton of money.
What Michael Jordan, Roger Federer, Muhammad Ali, and Michael Phelps all have in common that made them the greatest sportsmen in the world. And how to take this one sliver of knowledge to become the top performing (and earning) salesperson in any sales environment.
How to instil that RELENTLESS drive within you for massive sales success. Even if your sales career sucks right now and you feel hopeless and unmotivated. Just ask yourself (and answer) these four critical questions and watch your success levels soar.
How to take every powerful sales tactic and turn it into a powerful, successful, highly repeatable system that almost never fails! All great salespeople follow a system to maintain focus, clarity, certainty, and unrelenting success. Here’s how you can do it, too.
How to destroy any prospects “I’ll think about it” mindset and objection. It’s one of the simplest objections to overcome every time. Yet, most salespeople shudder at these words. Here’s how to welcome that objection and duly destroy it.
The amazing sales technique hidden in The Phantom of the Opera play! When you approach sales like this, your presentation pop with power, never go off track or lose focus, and always deliver your most powerful sales presentation every time.
The amazing “can it and clone it” secret for keeping your sales levels consistently high. Say goodbye to losing sales and up-and-down sales numbers.
How to make sure your sales presentation doesn’t sound scripted. It’s the biggest tip-off to any prospect that you’re an amateur. Easiest way to avoid sounding “scripted,” and make your presentation flow powerfully, naturally, and effectively.
Why you should always encourage your sales prospects to say NO to you – even if it means losing the sale! It’s totally counterintuitive but it’s a sure-fire way to having the best sales career you can imagine.
The only four choices any prospect has. And how to effectively and powerful close off these exits of escape to make your prospect EXCITED to buy from you. This one is a real gem.
5 powerful ways to drag yourself out of a sales slump. Even the best get this, but if you follow these five secrets you’ll come out of any sales slump roaring every time – and sell more than you ever have done before. These alone are sales career savers!
How to harness the power of “pattern interrupts” to sell much more effectively. This age-old tactic literally never fails…IF you know how to use it the right way. I’ll show you how.
How to master a brand new sales script in just a few hours…and make it sound like you’ve used it for years. Just follow this simple tactic and you’ll pick up any script and be a pro in no time flat.
Secret confidence techniques of the best salespeople on the planet. Even if you’re confidence is shot, these quick and simple techniques will put you right back to the top of your game.
And so much more!
As you can see, The 7 Habits of Highly-Effective Salespeople is packed full of powerful ways, techniques, and secrets that can help you go from struggling or average in sales, to a top-performing salesperson in the time it takes to go through this new program.
These are the sales techniques and strategies I have used in my career to sell more, sell more effectively, rise to the top of the sales charts, and ultimately, become the best salesperson I could be.
I’ve studied many of the leading salespeople in different industries. I’ve studied what I did during my sales career that had the most impact for the least amount of time. And I’ve put it all together into this ground-breaking program.
If your goal is to make the whole sales process more effective, more consistent, more predictable, and to ultimately, rise to the top and demand the income a top-performing salesperson demands (and gets), then The 7 Habits of Highly-Effective Salespeople is the only program you’ll need and the last one you’ll ever invest in.
The secrets and strategies are that powerful and that effective.
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