Command High Ticket Fees With Confidence, Become a High Ticket Expert, and Eliminate the Crippling Impact of "Imposter Syndrome"
$19,960.00 $133,563.00 You Save 85% ($113,603.00)
course format15 modules
course length 20.95 hours
topicSales & Closing
Ideal Biz Size$100K → $1M
If you’re reading this, you more than likely fit into one of two categories.
Have we guessed right so far? (If we have, then please keep reading).
Because if you fit neither category above, then you’re welcome to close this page immediately unless you’ve got time to kill and feel like reading for the next few minutes.
Either way, Dan and his team have compiled a collection of his favorite and most effective closing (sales) and business trainings.
Trainings that aim to take you from where you are now, to the point where you’re closing high ticket deals like their going out of fashion… AND your margins are looking healthier than an a gold medalist at the Olympics.
As mentioned above, they’re designed to teach you how to sell high ticket products and services…
BUT they’ll also help you achieve the following if you choose to invest your capital and time wisely…
So, if that sounds enticing to you, then continue reading to discover why this impactful collection is so relevant in today’s marketplace and economic climate.
The "middle-class" is being swiftly demolished...
It’s now more important than ever you begin selling high ticket products and services and install high-profit margins into your business…
Otherwise you’ll be stuck selling low to mid ticket offers and continue struggle, especially as times continue to get tighter and tougher.
Now, imagine you could sell high ticket products, have high margins, AND attract more high ticket clients WITHOUT spending more money on rising marketing costs, because…
As you may know, inflation is hitting all-time highs throughout the world.
And at the rate it’s going, by the time you finish reading this, your gas (petrol) amongst other things could be more expensive.
Now, if that’s not a reason to sell high ticket, then I don’t know what is.
But, let’s get candid for a moment…
Here’s the cold harsh truth about selling high ticket.
Almost everyone (including Dan) lacks the confidence to ask for big money when they first start out.
They feel like an imposter…
They ask themselves disempowering questions like “Why would anyone pay ME thousands of dollars for my services?"
And they have limiting beliefs holding them back from greatness and the success they desire.
If they don’t give up, and do finally build the confidence needed to sell high ticket and grow their business (usually through years of trial, error, pain, and frustration)…
And they begin hiring closers to help them sell more, if they don’t ensure their profit margins stay high…
They become less and less profitable, and it’s not uncommon for businesses to grow themselves out of business.
I know it sounds unimaginable but it’s true, and it’s because as you grow your expenses grow with you.
So, here’s how these 5 impactful trainings work together to give you the confidence to… run a successful high ticket business with high profit margins while keeping your costs of acquiring customers as low as possible.
Not only will this training help you achieve the things I mentioned above:
But, as you grow, you’ll also be able to share this training with your team members so they can experience and same high-level training you did.
Training that will teach them:
Now, I realize this is all very exciting, and you’d be forgiven if you skipped this next part and rushed to the bottom to hit the ADD TO CART > button.
So, I’ll leave one here just in case you feel the urge.
But, if you’d like some further convincing and want to know the next steps, continue down this page.
By now, you’ve already seen why selling high ticket is so important for not just your business, but your livelihood altogether.
You’ve got a feeling of how the High Ticket Collection can help you sell more of your high ticket offerings without causing an internal conflict.
You’ve realized why increasing your margins as you grow is VITAL to not only your short-term business’ success but also your longevity.
AND, you may also sense that as you grow, for every level there’s another devil.
This is to say, you may think you’ve overcome imposter syndrome and your confidence levels are good…
But eventually, you’ll grow to a point where imposter syndrome creeps back in and you begin to self-sabotage.
Well, with the release of the High Ticket Collection, you can kiss low confidence (and any sense of inadequacy) goodbye… and set yourself up for the success you’ve always dreamed of and so rightly deserve.
All that’s left for you to do is hit the ADD TO CART > button below and get started on kicking imposter syndrome to the curb and building the business of your dreams.
$19,960.00 $133,563.00 You Save 85% ($113,603.00)