Why Sell One-On-One When You Can Multiply Your Earnings Selling One-To-Many?
$334,110.00 $835,273.00 You Save 59% ($501,163.00)
course format9 Modules
course length 18 hours
topicSales & Closing
Ideal Biz Size$100K → $1 Million
"Dan Lok is a Masterful Entrepreneur."
Legendary Sales Trainer, given more than 5,000 workshops for more than 5,000,000 people in 83 countries.
Turn Your Annual Revenue into Your Monthly Revenue With These 17 BIG MONEY PLATFORM CLOSING SECRETS For Selling One-To-Many From The Stage, At Virtual Events, On Webinars, Or Live-Streaming On Facebook Or Youtube
Clients paid up to $25K for the privilege of attending this two-day workshop live in person.
On this page only you can discover the secrets to multiplying your income, power and influence by selling one-to-many for just $10K
Applying these secrets to your next speaking engagement, virtual event, or any and all opportunities to present to groups pays back this entire investment 1,000% or more.
Dan closing in the back of the room.
What is it?
Dan Lok’s Never-Before-Revealed Personal Blueprint For Making Big Money Speaking On Stage, At Virtual Events, On Webinars Or Live-Stream That’ll Allow You To Double, Even Triple Your Revenue from Selling/Closing One-To-Many.
Selling one-to-many can grow your business faster and more efficiently than your competitors, lets you target and connect with ideal prospects and clients no one else will reach, and accelerate your income making a year's worth of income from a single event.
Inside Platform Closing Secrets™ Dan Lok candidly lays out everything he’s learned from 20+ years of speaking from the stage, to groups large and small.
Discover his much sought-after advice for creating a steady, predictable (virtually recession proof) income stream from speaking.
Filled with practical strategies, answers to the most common questions about speaking from the stage of virtual events, tips and techniques (even hidden tricks and underground persuasion methods) known only to a handful of insiders who have worked the stage online and offline for decades, making almost obscene amounts of money compared to those who choose to stay stuck selling one-to-one.
All finally revealed in 9 hours of recorded video from Dan’s infamous Platform Closing Secrets™ workshop.
If you’ve ever wondered how Dan can close as much as 50% of the room, grossing as much as $5 million from a single speech, wonder no more.
Everything is revealed inside Platform Closing Secrets™.
Nothing is held back.
Why is it relevant?
Whether you speak to promote a local business, to book appointments, or sell products or services at the back of the room to an audience of 10 or 10,000… you can use these secrets to stir up a stampede of instant sales.
These secrets for selling one-to-many will multiply your earnings.
Platform Closing Secrets™ will transform your approach to speaking, and by utilizing the valuable techniques presented within, your authority, celebrity, and most importantly, profits, will skyrocket.
This program lays out exactly what is required when speaking to an audience (live or virtual) of 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 that deliver a purpose driven message that elicits the response you want.
Whether that’s an immediate stampede of wallet-in-hand customers to the back of the room to buy your products….
Or to get registrations for a program, book an appointment to meet with you, sell information products, make donations to an important charity or cause, or more gently embrace ideas that establish you as an authority in your niche.
Whatever your reason for selling one-to-many… if you want to change minds or open wallets, Platform Closing Secrets™ tells you the unvarnished (and sometimes uncomfortable) truth about how to do it..
How can it help?
You get every single minute of the (9 hours of recorded live presentation Dan did for a group of 200+ attendees. Many paid up to $25K for the privilege to participate. Reveals secrets most speakers will NEVER know about boosting income from speaking – and closing! – at live or virtual stages, catapulting your income into the 6 or 7-figure range from speaking alone.
If you can speak to sell you need never go hungry.
Platform Closing Secrets™ covers no less than 324 platform closing secrets, insights and hard-won lessons to maximize your impact, increase audience engagement, and multiply your sales without spending years learning the craft.
People often ask Dan, "What’s the fastest and easiest way to have a 5, 6 or even 7 figure payday?". Platform Closing Secrets is his answer.
If you already use speaking in your business as an “amature” doing an okay job selling from the platform for your own business, this is a quantum leap to a much higher level of effectiveness, ease, and influence.
Dan has worked with MANY business owners in diverse industries who, in just a few months, have gone from “competent” to “extraordinary” in speaking and closing from the stage or virtual events. If you’re new around here you may not know their names. But if you’ve been watching Dan’s career for any length of time you will have seen many of these rising stars at live events held by Dan or on recorded material available in the Dan Lok Shop.
Of course, there are different levels of skill. And Dan’s not suggesting he can turn you into him. He’s been doing this for over 20 years and has a highly-trained subconscious mind that allows him to step into any communication situation and become instantly persuasive.
But he can certainly equip anybody who's good with a bigger, better bag of tricks... and he can certainly take a relative newbie and bring them up to competence almost instantly.
Here’s the bottom line: once you finish watching Platform Closing Secrets™, you will be one of the very few people with the highly profitable skill of selling one-to-many!
You’ll automatically become a better, more confident, and instantly more persuasive speaker, whether on stage, over the phone, in groups small or large.
Whatever your reason for speaking, Platform Closing Secrets™ reveals Dan Lok’s techniques and strategies such as:
Applying these secrets will at least DOUBLE your sales when selling one-to-many and can turn a failed presentation into a winner.
This is not theory. In fact, you get dozens of exercises to improve your ability to sell and persuade from the stage, webinar or virtual event.
What now?
If you speak from the stage, to groups, or a team… at Virtual Events… or on video via webinar, Facebook live or YouTube streaming…
And want to multiply the number of customers, clients, or donors your presentations produce by selling one-to-many instead of one-to-one…
For goodness sake get Platform Closing Secrets™!
Many of the concepts shared in Platform Closing Secrets™ have never been shared before.
Most of the secrets completely blew the audience’s mind because Dan pulled back the curtain and revealed (for the first time) secrets that had been hiding in plain sight.
The audience – and now YOU – will never view a presentation the same way again, and more importantly: your income, power to influence, and life will change forever.
Applying these secrets to just ONE speaking engagement, Webinar (live or recorded) or any and all opportunities to present to groups pays back this entire investment 1,000% or more – where else can you get an ROI like THAT?
If you are serious about the speaking business, about increasing your ability to persuade when selling one-to-many… I can’t understand how you could justify NOT getting this system.