Want to Find Out Why High-Ticket Coaching Attracts Premium Clients and Builds a World-Class Team?
$339,331.00 $610,795.00 You Save 44% ($271,464.00)
course format10 Modules
course length 76 hours
Live One On One8 Coaching Sessions
topicSales & Closing
Ideal Biz Size$100K - $1 Million
Let me be direct…
I know you’ve probably seen the $10,000.00 investment for this training, which already makes it "out of reach" for many who’ll read this page.
I don’t know if this offer is for you or not, but what I do know is that I only want to attract serious people who recognize true value when they see it.
If I asked you to pay me $10,000.00 and I could practically promise I would pay you back $100,000.00 every year for the rest of your life…
Would that be enough value for you to keep on reading?
As the world's most successful investor Warren Buffett often says: "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get."
And because you’re still reading, I’ll assume you’re someone who appreciates value more than most.
So, before we continue, I think it’s safe to say, this training isn't for everyone. The investment alone makes that obvious…
But it’s also true because we’re only looking for people who want to create BIG movements in their industries and niches.
So, let’s see if you fit into one of these 3 categories.
If you fit ANY of these 3 categories, then getting accredited as a High Ticket Coach™ could be the most important thing you do for your life, career, and business this year.
Because all those benefits, and many more, are readily available ONLY inside Dan’s "HIGH-TICKET COACH™ Certification Program".
And if what you’ve read so far has piqued your interest, then you could potentially receive training from someone who is arguably one of the best coaches and trainers on the planet.
So, here’s a little information about the High Ticket Coach™ Certification, before we get into WHY High Ticket Coach™ is so relevant, important, and much needed.
High Ticket Coach™ is our premier and elite coaching program.
Over 90 days, Master Trainer and Coach Alex Mandossian will coach you through the High Ticket Coach™ Certification Program.
Alex is a man whose knowledge and expertise have generated nearly $417 million in sales for himself, his clients and students, and his joint venture partners.
He lives and breathes High Ticket Coach™, and I can think of no one better to take you from where you are now to where you want to be.
So, no matter if you’re a complete beginner…
Have an already established coaching or consulting business…
Or you’re a business owner looking to gain high-level coaching skills so you can "clone" yourself, and scale your business and team…
It’s in your best interest to continue reading this short but potentially life-changing message.
Did you know that the coaching industry is the second-fastest-growing industry on the planet?
It continues to grow year on year and is currently worth a staggering USD $2.4 billion. www.authentic.com.au.
Simply put, coaching works, but you must have the "right" coaching methods.
So, it doesn’t matter which category above you identify with, coaching WILL work for your situation.
Because included in that USD $2.4 billion are coaches hired by businesses to coach and train their employees.
So, if you’re thinking "I don’t want to be a coach. I already have a successful business…", and you’re looking to scale your team…
Then high-level coaching skills are the holy grail when it comes to team scaling and training.
Because "little hinges swing big doors", and having coaching skills greatly improves your ability to transfer your knowledge to your team members in the most efficient way possible, AND get the best out of them.
As you can see, the coaching industry is a phenomenal industry to be in IF you have the right skills AND you’re attracting high-value prospects, willing to pay you high-ticket fees for your expertise.
You’ll know this to be true, whether you’re brand new or you’ve been coaching or consulting for a while.
The High Ticket Coach™ 90-day coaching certification is the brainchild of Dan Lok, and Alex Mandossian, and includes state-of-the-art and cutting-edge coaching techniques and strategies that will really move the needle in your business and life.
It has the power to fast-track your career and business success from:
So, if you like what you’ve read so far, then I encourage you to continue to find out exactly how this groundbreaking training program can swing big doors for you in your career and business.
In the coaching and business world, you’ve got two choices.
Either you set your value OR your marketplace sets it for you.
It just comes down to which “self” you listen to…
Your “lower-self” (which is low self-esteem and self-worth), or your “higher-self”, (which is high self-esteem, and self-worth.)
The choice is yours and you’re right either way.
But, it’s for this reason that there are so many underpaid and unsuccessful coaches.
This is why, as a coach, it pays you to know your worth and set your own value.
That way, as your expertise grows, so do your fees and the success of your business.
And the same applies if you’re a business owner.
As a business owner, at every level of growth, the success of your business relies heavily on your ability to hire and train your team.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re hiring your 1st or your 50th employee…
It’s the skills you possess that you pass on to your team members, that they pass on to your future employees, with minimal supervision from you…
That creates the biggest difference between running a well-oiled machine or a tractor in desperate need of new tires and an engine.
Now, before you make your final decision by hitting the ADD TO CART > button let’s take a peek at some of what will help you transform your coaching skills and business as a whole:
jack canfield
john assarof
bob proctor
mari smith
ryan deiss
joel bauer
vishen lakhiani
lisa nichols
dr. ivan misner
Alex’s 3 High Ticket Coaching Communication Secrets. These secrets give you the power of highly effective communication skills, which is something everyone in any business must have…
The 4 Gem Theory Personality types. Discover the secrets to connecting with each personality type so you can become a far more effective and persuasive coach…
How to use the environment around you to understand the world better and maximize your coaching experience to become a world-class coach…
The 5 ‘Dysfunctions’ and their remedies. Master these, and you’ll become a better coach and highly effective leader…
How to recognize your strengths and weaknesses and use them to your advantage. Plus Alex’s powerful objection lessons that will help you become a great entrepreneur.
How to use persuasive story selling sentences so hearing the word “NO” becomes a thing of the past. This will help you increase your closing rate to make you more sales OR persuade your prospects or your team to do your bidding. (Must be used with the highest of ethics.)
The tools, secrets, and valuable lessons to help you better manage your actions and make better decisions.
Decades of knowledge compressed into just 61 minutes. Alex’s famous one-minute memos will open your mind to a world of possibility and quick action.
And much, much more!
The best coaches will have an opportunity to work with Dan’s clients.
This means two things:
Now, can I promise you'll make hundreds of thousands of dollars more as a coach or business owner?
Of course not, anyone that says they can promise anything in the business world is lying to you, because ultimately, your results come down to you and the actions you take.
But here's what I can promise…
With the techniques inside the High Ticket Coach™ Certification, you'll be armed to the teeth with coaching strategies that my team and I have used to provide our clients and team members with transformations they didn't even know were possible.
These transformations could translate into getting higher ticket clients, fewer "clients from hell", and enjoying the time freedom you’ve always deserved.
Running an infinitely more productive team, servicing a higher volume of high-ticket clients, (bringing you increased revenue month on month), and scaling your business to new heights (which means, your business grows without you having to micromanage everything), and that’s just the beginning.
So, if you like all you’ve read till now, then continue reading on to the very short section below to know what to do next.
harvey mackay
blair singer
t. harv eker
joe vitale
rusell brunson
bill baren
coach razmig malkhassianCertified High-Ticket Coach
coach sauda filipovicCertified High-Ticket Coach
coach dr. gerald amanduCertified High-Ticket Coach
If you’ve made it this far, and you didn’t see it before, you’ve now seen the $10,000.00 high-ticket investment required and the potential impact the High Ticket Coach™ Certification Program could have on your business, profits, and lifestyle.
No matter whether you’re looking to get into coaching for the first time, or you’re already a coach/consultant…
Or you’re a business owner looking to take your leadership skills to new heights, and "clone" yourself to transfer your knowledge, skills, and expertise to your team…
This certification can help you do all that and more.
The bottom line is this, no matter what training you’ve been through to get you to where you are now, it ran its course.
It’s now time for new strategies, techniques, and insights from a master trainer to help you get to the next level, whatever you envision that to be.
Isn’t it time you began to use the resources available to you, and maximize your and your business’ potential?
Whether you fall into categories 1, 2, or 3, there are people everywhere who could benefit from your knowledge and expertise, and who deserve a transformation of their own.
So, the only thing left to do is to click the ADD TO CART > button below to begin your High-Ticket Coaching journey and experience everything the world of business has to offer.