
Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Thinking

"You may think that entrepreneurial thinking is some mysterious, rare gift that only a few possess..."

  • course format2 Modules

  • COURSE LENGTH 1.2 Hours

  • topicMindset and Motivation

"Dan Lok is an exceptional leader, teacher, mentor and friend. When you read his words or listen to him speak, you know you are in the presence of greatness. Dan lives and teaches a simple approach to building success and business and enjoying life every day."

– Joe Vitale

Law of Attraction Expert, Star of "The Secret" Movie, Bestselling Author of "The Attractor Factor, "The Key" and "Zero Limits"

After deciding that he couldn’t leave entrepreneurial thinking to chance and “wait for the muse to whisper...” Dan developed a 9-point idea generation system that turned what felt like weeks of struggling in just mere hours. The 9-point system transformed idea generation from a frustrating bottleneck to a business advantage as Dan and his team were able to effortlessly and quickly produce and implement profitable ideas.

For the first time ever, Dan is releasing this game-changing insider idea-generating system to the public. These are the same techniques Dan uses to train his teams. When you use this turnkey system, your competition will wonder in utter dismay how you crank out amazing innovative content so FAST! They will assume that you must secretly have 50-people on staff writing all of your content.



The Idea Multiplier Matrix

Use this 9-step checklist to begin leveraging your existing assets and increase your productivity


My 10X Mindset Technique

For reaching all your business goals and helping you fulfill your creative and entrepreneurial potential


The Magnified Message Principle

used by international brands such as McDonalds to create larger-than-life products... PLUS: How to start using it in your business today with no extra effort or expense!


The strange origin and techniques of infomercials

and why heavyweights like Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins are using the same techniques to fill their speaking engagements, sell their products, and book their calendars solid at will


The entrepreneurial principle

that banks, fast food chains, and Apple all employ that work for all and you can add to your business strategy today


One simple but powerful thing

you can do right now that will make your customers and clients come up with your best ideas for you instead of running into the creative wall time and time again


How to use the Moonshot Mindmap

and why your business must apply this technique if you want to out-think, out-maneuver, and out-innovate your competition on every level


Learn the Creativity Mastery Matrix

exercise hundreds of Dan Lok’s students have used to leave mental constraints behind and automatically start thinking-outside-the-box. The best part...all you need is a pen and paper!


Use the Blue Ocean Strategy

to let your competition eat each other while you sail into open markets and effortlessly establish yourself as the dominant player


The "Real Way"

To Identify Your Most Valuable Customers

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Customer Reviews

Based on 63 reviews
Alman Miah
10x your thinking

The 10x your thinking alone was a profound realisation because I realised that achieving your income goal was not about money making money, but it’s really a skill gap that helps you reach that revenue or income goal.

Quick and to the Point

The training was brief and hit hard. I watched from beginning to end and plan on doing so tomorrow. Dan is excellent at stripping things down to the essential knowledge. No filler. No fluff. Always overdelivers.


good course

Vaibhav Shanbhag
Broadened by thinking capacity

I was a man who always played by rules and encouraged others as well to do so. What I hadn't realized that rules are just constraints we either put ourselves into or accept what others have put us into. However, the very first activity of joining the 9 dots in one go wherein we could have gone beyond the the visible confines was an eye opener for me. I realized that always playing within a small boundary will never help me achieve more and my thinking will be small and shallow.

Thank you Sifu Dan Lok for this eye opening webinar which has certainly helped me with newer perspectives. I loved how you could make 20 businesses out of 1 lemonade example.

Ashna Zaveri

Unlock your entrepreneurial thinking is so far the best content I came across on Dan Lok University! If you're an entrepreneur or aspiring to be one then this one is for you! This course will rewire your mindset and will challenge you to think out of the box. Strategies taught in this course will show you how to scale your business and create a multi-million dollar business. First leverage money to learn from this course and then make tremendous returns on your investments. A must watch for all entrepreneur mindsets over there. I bet you won't regret your decision!

Changed my mindset in just a day

I did the course in less than 24h because immersion always works best for me; it’s a short course (and I loved it!) but incredibly dense with powerful information. So I had to take breaks between videos to think and contemplate and also to do the exercises, I also needed to watch some of them several times and for sure will be coming back to this course.

I’m in a career transition from being a musician to becoming a counsellor and I was stuck for 6,5 months not knowing how to proceed, how to market myself and I couldn’t find out what’s my product, my offer.
After the course, literally less than 24h, I have 7 PRODUCTS! And don’t need any extra resources for them, I can start tomorrow!

I highly recommend the course.
It challenges and surprises your logical thinking already from the first couple of minutes. I had a lot of aha moments, my favorite were: a third video “x10 goals” thanks to which I understood why I could never win a competition as a pianist; “challenge the industry norm - offer something that doesn’t exist” (I loved it!); also Dan really makes it clear that with every innovation the world will say “it doesn’t exist so it’s a bad idea/impossible” and what to do with that - I have been always stopped by this but now I have a totally new perspective.
Thank you very much!

Rūta Martinaitienė
Find time to THINK!

Loved every advice given! How important it is to ask yourself: What is next? What I don't see? This will open your mind to creative ideas and find the real problem solution. 👌

Ryan Albright
Useful to watch and then Rewatch

What I learned from this was a different way of thinking about sales and how to go about it. It's less about money or what your selling and about how you promote that product to the client. I'd rather not give too much away but suffice it to say I re-watched this a year later for a refresher and was shocked at how much I forgot and didn't retain from the first time.

Suresh Adiga
Thinking Out of the BOX

A great way to think about a process or a problem. 80 % of the results comes from 20% of things. Important to understand what is that 20%.. Mind blown when it was said that 20%of that 20% ie.e 4 % is we miss we lose big portion of our success. A great learning approach.