The REAL Reason Why Your Clients Say No

The REAL Reason Why Your Clients Say No

Have you ever wondered why your clients say no to you while some people just seem to get whatever they want? They apparently can sell anything to anyone effortlessly. But why is that? There are, in fact, many different reasons why your clients would say yes more often.

In this article, you are going to discover how to put a halt to embarrassing rejection and how to close more sales.

First of all do you have to have talent in sales to sell effectively? It helps, but no.
Do you need to be an extrovert who thrives around people? Again, it can help, but no.

Do you need to know 101 different techniques to close a sale? Quite the opposite. The fewer techniques you have to remember, the more you can focus on your prospects.

How do we know? Before Dan Lok became as successful as he is now, he was not a great salesperson. He was a shy introvert, and he had no idea how to close.
Fast forward to today, and he closes seven, and even 8 figures deals with ease.

What does this mean for you? Everything if you, too, want to get through to your clients and get yes more often. Effective communication, in our opinion, is essential in business and life. If you can persuade people to give you what you want, you have an advantage.

Isn't it true? Everything that you want, someone else has it. So it's good to know how to make them give it to you.

Do you want that promotion? You need to close your boss to give it to you. Do you plan to step out of your job and start your own business? You need to be able to close your prospects into clients. Do you need your spouse to support you? You need to close them on the idea that what you do is the right thing.

In this article, you will learn what you need to develop this powerful skill fast and why so many people fail at it.

1. Your Clients React To Your Mindset

Skillset without mindset results in upset.

That's what Dan teaches his High Ticket Closers™ and High-Income Copywriters™.

Your mindset influences how you communicate.

It's hard to close a deal if you don't believe in yourself or your product. Your voice will sound weaker. You will stumble over your words and show your insecurity. Have you ever had a situation like that?

Trying to sell a product or service, and you felt so nervous that you started to sweat
How did your prospect react? This fear is why we recommend to focus on your mindset first. Do you believe that what you sell can help your prospect?

Are you comfortable asking for that specific price point?
Are you maybe judging the prospect for spending that much money while you never would?
Here is a powerful learning that Dan made during his beginnings:

You attract the type of client that you are.

If you are cheap yourself, your clients will try to nickel and dime you.
If you take days and weeks to make a decision, your clients will need to think about it, too.

So, if you want to hear more yes and less, no, make sure to free yourself of price judgments, insecurities, and doubts.

2. Don't Take Your Clients' Rejection At Face Value

When you hear a no from your clients, it doesn't always mean they are saying no to you, explicitly. Often they don't fully understand the value yet. Sometimes, they don't have the money and feel embarrassed to admit it.

If you want to make sure that your clients tell you the truth, make them feel that it's okay to say no. Ask in-depth questions to understand their needs but most of all:

Prepared to send them away yourself if you are not convinced that you can help them.
We know it might sound counterintuitive to send clients away if you want to increase sales.
But isn't it true?

If you need to force your clients to work with you, how will they behave most likely?
Do you want your clients to complain about things your offer can't do continually
Or do you want your clients to say: Thank you, that is what I needed?

Helpful skills here are objection handling and qualifying.

You might know the phrase: The customer is king, but that doesn't mean they know everything.

Your clients come to you because you are the expert. How would you feel if you visit your doctor because you feel sick, ask him what is wrong with you, and he says: Whatever you want, you're the king!?

If you interact with your clients like a doctor trying to find out what they need, you won't have to sell them. They will see the value of your service and accept you as the professional on their own.

And even if you aren't a good fit, they might remember how unattached you were to the sale and refer you to their friends. How often does a classical salesperson experience that?

In a nutshell, rejection is often just a misunderstanding.

3. You Allowed Your Clients To Hurt Your Ego

Your clients might not see the value yet or not even qualify to work with you. Don't give up immediately, and don't try to convince them. Step into your doctor's mindset, and you will be the one to say yes or no to them.

Let's say that your sales conversation is going great and you don't get objections on price.
Your clients seem to like the product- but they still don't take any action. What is going on in your mind at that moment?

If you're like many salespeople, you will feel confused.
Why are they not buying? They like it. And they can afford it. You both agree that it's a good fit...So what's wrong?

You might even ask: What's wrong with me?

Did you lose the sale there because you are incompetent? No. In sales, almost always, its never about you. It's about your clients. You see, if they don't take action, this might be because you didn't create urgency for them.

And yes, this even can happen if they like your offer.

Many salespeople feel hurt by that rejection and doubt themselves. But don't doubt yourself- doubt your skills. If you let this get to you, if you allow this to hurt your ego, you will have trouble seeing what is missing.

In this situation, for example, it can be useful to have the skill of pain digging. If people feel an intense pain that your product or service can solve, they might take action sooner.

Imagine you are in a drugstore and walk by the painkillers. If you don't have a headache, you most likely won't buy them
But what if you had a splitting migraine?

This principle is also as applicable in selling almost any other product.
If your clients don't take action immediately, it is most likely about them. They might not see a reason to act now.

Sometimes, it's also their personality- they sleep over it and come back the next day. Don't judge- adapt.

4. You Expect Your Clients To Go All-In

Sometimes, a client isn't ready yet to go all the way with you. You may be so focused on a specific product that you forget to down-sell.
Think about your client's buyer's journey.

Are they ready to invest in your full offer? If not, you don't need to disqualify them immediately. You can discuss with your clients if maybe a leaner, smaller offer serves them better for now.

Remember when you go to the cinema: The have the large box, the medium and the small one. If you had no choice but to always go for the biggest one, would you still buy it?

Sometimes, you don't need or want the biggest. Sometimes the smaller option is just right. How do you spot a need for down-selling? By an extensive qualifying process and listening well.

If you know upfront what your clients want and need, you don't risk getting a no for a wrong offer.

5. You Don't Invest In Yourself

Now you might ask: What do my clients care about my self-development?

And you might be right- they don't. But your clients care if their problems get solved.

Now think about it- who will be more successful:

A) A salesperson who just does their job and hopes people will buy

B) A salesperson who learns from experience and invests in their skills regularly

Yes, your clients will not care what you do in your free time. But how you invest your time can significantly affect your career. You can come home after work and watch 3 hours of Netflix.

That's fine; we all need to shut down sometimes. But what if you would read a book that teaches you how to handle specific objections instead?
What if in that time you learn about psychological behaviour?

Warren Buffet, the great investor, said: The best investment you can make is in yourself. We believe this is true and recommend to improve your skills regularly.

6. You Feel That Asking For Money Is A Bad Thing

Be honest with yourself: Do you believe that by paying you, your clients lose money? You would not be alone with this assumption. How often do you hear "I want a piece of this pie" in regards to building wealth?

But we don't believe that money is like a pie. If you earn money, someone else is not getting poorer. Money circulates- if you buy a car, you are not less wealthy than before. You just transformed cash value into material value.

The same is true for your services: Your clients don't lose money by paying you- if you are good at what you do. Imagine that you have the perfect solution to help a prospect with an urgent problem.

If you don't close this client - will they be happy they saved the money?
Most likely not, because they still have their problem. You can't help people with your solution if you don't sell it to them.

We believe that if you know you can help a prospect, it is your moral obligation to close them.

7. You Are Selling To The Wrong Audience

Imagine you are selling steaks- the best steaks in the world. How often would you get a sale from a vegan? Now, what is a "wrong audience"?

Simply put, it's people who are not and most likely will never find interest in your offer. This definition extends beyond the product itself- this can also include pricing.
If you try to sell a 3 million dollar yacht to someone who earns less than 1000 dollars per month, what would happen? Wrong pricing can also go the other way.

What would you say if somebody offered you a Rolex watch for $10? You probably would be skeptical and believe it's a fake, right? So check your offer- is it maybe not too expensive, but too cheap?

Would you trust a surgeon who advertises to be the cheapest around? Why? Sometimes, your clients don't want the cheapest. They want the best.

Check with your clients what they expect from your product or service. Raising your prices might attract a very interested audience to buy from you.

Getting Your Clients To Say Yes Is A Learnable Skill

As we are shifting from a "job economy" to a "gig economy," the skill of sales is a valuable asset to have in your arsenal. Especially during times of crisis, businesses need sales more than ever.

If you can produce sales, you will thrive in the market. Think about it; the most successful business people on earth are great salespeople: Elon Musk, the late Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg...

They all are excellent communicators and skilled in the art of persuasion.
The introduction of the iPhone was not a product presentation- it was a sales pitch.

If Elon introduces a new Tesla model, he is selling. It is a skill that contributes significantly to your success in business. And it is a learnable skill that anyone can master if they are willing to implement and learn.

Dan teaches thousands of students worldwide how to use this skill. Some use it to start or grow their business, and some just earn money from the comfort of their own home.

Many of his students have invested as much as 10.000 Dollars to improve their skills and change their lives. Now, you may or may not be in a position to invest that much money into your growth yet. And you don't need to.

But if you want to learn a recession-proof skill that you can use in any industry, you might want to read on.

Discover How Beginners Close 5-Figure Deals Easily

If you want to succeed in sales, it takes more than just knowing a few wordings and sentences. Regular salespeople often don't know that, and we don't blame them. Nobody taught them the secrets of closing before.

But what is the difference between closing and selling?
Selling is trying to convince people to purchase.
Closing is the art of making people want to buy.

A closer is a sales professional who masterfully guides a prospects emotions. They know how to listen with intent and spot the true motivations of their clients.

Closers are the force that drives billions of dollars every year. Because they can close 5,6, and even 7 figure deals with ease, they get to make the most important deals in the business.

But are such results realistic? We're not saying that every closer is moving millions of dollars around. But if a deal needs to work out, usually a closer gets involved.

Dan's closers, for example, have closed 34.5 Billion Dollars in revenue since the summer of 2017. Why? Because they can communicate in a way that makes getting a sale come easy to them.

They handle resistance playfully as they enthuse prospects for an offer with excellence. Simply put- they know the most well-guarded tricks of the trade.

And many of them were complete beginners when they started. They underwent a powerful transformation to become who they are now. But this training requires a lot of time and effort, which many people can't do.

Their jobs forbid such time commitments, or their business takes all their attention. And, as you know, Dan's training is not cheap. People pay him thousands of dollars to gain this skill for themselves.

Where To Find Those Secrets Without Investing A Fortune

Maybe you also want to learn this skill, but you're not in a position to commit to such an intense training yet. In this case, you might want to take a look at The Closer's Black Book.

In this precious book, you'll discover never before released content. It will reveal to you what Dan only taught to his closest students until now. This book will not teach you how to close- it will train you to become a Closer.

You shouldn't read it but use it. Now, we're not saying that you will triple your success rate just after reading it. We're also not saying that it will make you a Closer in a few months.

But it will grant you access to an opportunity: To become a better version of yourself while mastering a skill only a few people ever heard of. Owning this book will be like having Dan with you 24/7.

You can consult the book if you want to prepare for a big sales meeting. You can work through it to get your mindset an upgrade. This all-in-one resource gives you everything you need to become a successful Closer.

It's a carefully crafted 357-page mentor to help you guide you every step of the way. Mindset, objection handling, pain digging- those are only the tip of the iceberg. The Closers Black Book is a resource that the professionals refer to when it counts to close a sale.

That's why there's only a limited amount around- once it's sold out, you won't get one as we are not producing more copies. It's too powerful for everyone to have.

If you feel this could be what you have been looking for to stop hearing "NO!" from your clients, then get your Closers Black Book here today.